Thursday, November 7, 2013

Imitation of film:Smoking at you,kid.

Smoking at a young age can lead to many problems,such as health problems.
Children ages from 10-14 are most likely to pick up a cigarette and smoke it.
Due to the things that surround them,such as movies,TV shows,video games.
Which they might believe it will make them look cool while smoking or just
doing it cause they see a friend or a parent doing it. 

As the expert ''Nicholas Balakar" states '' R rated movies contain twice as much
smoking"as other films.
Movies is one of the reasons children are smoking at an early age.
I strongly believe children shouldn't be watching R rated movies,or smoking cigarettes
only if they over  the age of 18 years old.''Nicholas Balakar"also states,
''Our study shows that kids begin to view R rated movies at about the fourth and fifth grade".
I agree with him,children parents are the ones who supposed to tell their kids what and what not to watch.Such as movies,T.V shows and video games thats what kids would mostly do when not in school.

 Kids should not be watching movies with adult behaviors like smoking,drinking and nudity.
They at a age where they shouldn't be concern about those types of things.They should be more concern about school and more important things.This why movies,tvshows and video games have ratings for diffrent age viewers.The more exposure someone gets of something the higher the chance
they would mostly do what they see.A parent that smokes at home would more likely get him to  smoking due to the exposure.In other words a kid with less exposure would have less thoughts about smoking.

Purchasing cigarettes at a store may not be as hard as purchasing beers till now.
New York City recenlty passed a law,you must be over the age of 21 to purchase
cigarettes which will make it harder for underage smokers to buy them.
Smoking at a young age could bring many problems as health issues.It can lead to cancer where smokers dont realize it till they hit a stage in life,where their bodies start changing.
My self at my age of 22 years old I dislike cigarettes due to the smell,ordor and heath problems it brings.


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