Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blog Entry 15 EAT Broccoli

I believe being obese depends on children's parents.
Allowing their children what they should and should not eat.
It starts at home and ends where their children spend most of their time at.Meaning what parents are serving their children for dinner.
Schools also play a role on what children eat and what they are being served for lunch.
Parents are the ones who can changed the way the way their children eat and lifestyle.
The number of children that are obese has increased,in the past couple of years.

There are many commercials advertising junk food,which the viewers are children.
Few companies are deciding to cut back on advertising junk food.
Acoording to the Council of better business bureaus companies plan on promoting healthier foods
and lifestyles.They also plan on advertising in children zones,mainly in schools.
Micheal Jacobson,executive director for The Science in the Public Interest,doesnt agree companies are doing enough to decreased junk food advertisements.
I believe companies are interested if there products sells and not worried about the children they are making it for.

The Childrens Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative,is a group who sit down with popular companies such as McDonalds,Hershey and Coca-Cola to find ways to improve their products.
Improving their products by adding less sugar and making products that are actually healthy.
Also improving the way these big companies advertise their products,rather than having someone famous or a cartoon character to advertise them.Advertisements make it difficult for kids to eat healthy foods.
Being obese at a young age can bring many problems,such as appearance and medical issues.
Apprearance issues may affect a kid in school getting picked on cause his weight and size.
It also leads to diabetes not controlling what kids eat at home or at school.
Another reason is it can lead to heart disease making it difficult for children to breath.

I believe being obese depends on children parents.
It starts from home and where children spend most of their time at.
Parents are the ones who can decide what their kids should and should not eat.

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